QSO Education
A musical learning journey for teachers and primary students
#QSO Education
Queensland Symphony Orchestra has partnered with Advance Queensland and the Frazer Family Foundation to develop a suite of innovative learning resources for teachers and students in Prep to Year 6 called QSO Education. This curated learning journey aligns with the Australian Curriculum for Music.

Meet Quinn the Conductor, your musical tour guide!
QSO Education includes:
🎻 The history of how orchestras have evolved.
🎺 An introduction to all the instruments in an orchestra.
🎵 A look at the elements of music.
🧠Fun activities to get students excited for a live Queensland Symphony Orchestra concert and to reflect on their experience afterwards.
🎮 Quizzes, interactive games, brain breaks and more!
Types of Resources:

Learning Management Systems
Module 1: The wonders of the orchestra​
Module 2: Instruments of the orchestra​
Module 3: Elements of music​

Musical Expedition​ - Interactive 360 Tours​
• QSO's Rehearsal Studio​
• Queensland Performing Arts Centre's Concert Hall ​(by Holovision)​

XR Collab Space Metaverse Orchestra Overture​
• Interactive walkthrough​
• Interactive video​
• Wall displays​
• See the Orchestra live​

Interactive Games​
​Game 1: Exploration
Game 2: Drag-n-drop
Game 3: Quiz and Trivia
Game 4: 3D Viewer
Sign up to access QSO Education now!
Discover QSO Education's interactive learning resources that can be used in the classroom:
In partnership with Advance Queensland and the Frazer Family Foundation.