In 2025, our mission is to offer engaging concerts and programs to students, children, teachers and families and community members across Queensland. Our Community and Education department, QSO Connect, offers concerts and programs for a diverse range of audiences, including students, teachers and aspiring musicians. We hope to see you at the QSO Studio, QPAC Concert Hall, or out in your local community.
#2025 Education Concerts
Music by
Brahms / Garland / Grieg / Hamilton / Holst / Kabalevsky / Mancini / Saint-Saëns / Tchaikovsky / John Williams

Each QSO Education concert comes with a tailored education and learning resource that is aligned with the Queensland curriculum.
We also have multiple free learning resources available here on our website.
#2025 Education Programs
Find more information on all QSO Connect Programs here:
Learn more about our Regional Touring activities here: