Community and Education
#QSO Connect
Entertain • Inspire • Educate
In 2025, our mission is to offer engaging concerts and programs to students, children, teachers and families and community members across Queensland. QSO Connect aims to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be involved with music, whether it be through listening, learning, performing, or composing.
Our community and education department, known as QSO Connect, offers a wealth of concerts, programs, workshops and curriculum-based resources to schools, music lovers and educators.
Discover our latest suite of learning resources for primary educators and students below.

QSO Connect education activities are offered at three levels; Discover, Explore and Engage.
Our Discover level offers concerts that are geared towards those beginning their musical journey.
Our Explore level offers students the opportunity to dive deeper into the orchestral experience.
Our Engage level offers concerts and programs to students who are looking for enrichment opportunities and
to collaborate with the Orchestra.
Chinchilla, Miles, Roma, Tara (CMRT) Regional Tour 2024
We Are Queensland, 2024-2028 Regional Touring Program
Young Instrumentalist Prize 2024
Compose Program 2023
The Tim Fairfax Family Foundation provides capacity support for Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s Community Engagement and Education to ensure they can continue to engage rural, regional, and remote communities.