David Miller

How has Queensland Symphony Orchestra impacted you?
I don’t remember there being a single day (from early childhood) when music was not a vital part of my life and constantly in my head. Encouraged very much as a child in a musical household, I won a place in a professional London choir at the age of 9 and have played and performed (though not professionally) ever since. I have been a regular concert goer and listener from an early age and even though the quality of recorded music is now so good, it can stand no proper comparison with the thrill of live music. This is particularly true of orchestral music; the enforced absence of concert going in the last year has only served to underline and reinforce just what a total experience it is to be part of a live performance of great music superbly played, which is my experience with QSO. To see the musicians living their experience and communicating with one another as they play is a dimension that they very best recording just can’t get close to!
Why is It important to you to support QSO?
The Orchestra brings an indescribably beautiful and utterly essential element to my life which would be very much the poorer without it. Supporting the musicians, has the additional benefit of bringing me just that little bit closer to the orchestra and to the musicians as real personalities and not just people playing instruments.
What advice would you give to those considering supporting QSO?
Do so without hesitation. Not only do you help bring all of this wonderful music to life for the benefit of the community, you will become more involved in the music, the musicians and the life of the orchestra.
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