Jason Redman
Section Principal Trombone
Music Chair supported by:
Frances and Stephen Maitland OAM RFD

Music for me is being able to express feelings, to create sounds that live and breathe and move other people to feel some of what I feel when I’m playing, and it’s particularly satisfying when you can actually play with someone else – an orchestra is chamber music on a grand scale.
I started playing trombone in my local primary school, was part of the beginning of what is now the Young Con, played in Queensland Youth Orchestra ensembles during high school and went on to do a music degree at the Queensland Conservatorium, so I’m pretty much home grown. That said, I’ve studied with some great players and teachers overseas since joining QSO.
Career highlights include the 1988 Australian Youth Orchestra tour of Europe with Eschenbach, many North Queensland tours, Mahler’s Symphony No.2 with Muhai Tang in the early 90’s, 2014’s Mahler 3rd with Johannes Fritzsch and playing Bass Trumpet for Die Tote Stadt with Marcello Viotti. I’ve also been fortunate to be invited to play guest Principal in the Melbourne, Adelaide and West Australian Symphonies and it is always great to meet up with musical colleagues around the country. I also very much enjoy teaching trombone and helping young musicians develop.
During my time at QSO, I have played with four different Chief Conductors, and quite a few different colleagues in the brass section. I’ve learnt lots from all of them. QSO has always been a very friendly bunch of people, and we are fortunate to play a great variety of music. I’ve also had a few different roles behind the scenes on the Artistic Committee and more recently as a member of the QSO Board. I really love being involved in our education and community outreach programmes.
My favourite piece of music
One of my favourite artists to listen to is Dmitri Hvorostovsky, the great Siberian baritone. The sound that he makes with his voice is a big part of my sound concept on trombone - so dark, so rich and so resonating.

Ashley Carter
Associate Principal Trombone

Nicolas Thomson
Principal Bass Trombone